Hourglass Diet

Benefits of

Physical Activity

Complete Fitness


Joint and Muscle Pain

Adult Onset Diabetes

High Blood Pressure

Elevated Blood Cholesterol



High Fibre Supplement









The principal cause of adult onset diabetes is insulin resistance in the muscles. What this means is that the glucose in your blood stream is delivered to muscles, ready for action and the action doesn't happen. The pancreas has to do all the work of removing the excess glucose from the blood and arranging to have it stored elsewhere on the body. It does this by producing insulin.




The wrong type of food at the wrong time.
Because of the refined, high density carbohydrate diet that we have been conditioned to eat at just about every meal (and in between) continually floods the blood with glucose, the pancreas has to work too hard, too often. Eventually, (and this is over many years) it becomes worn out and, unable to produce enough insulin to moderate blood glucose levels. As a result blood glucose levels escalate.

The high density carbohydrate are the sugars and starches. The starches are polysaccharides. That is they are made up of combinations of glucose molecules. Therefore in a short time after eating a starch meal, blood sugar becomes elevated.


If you look at the typical Western diet it looks like this.



Cereal and toast.




Bread, with salad or meat.




Pasta (with meat), followed by ice cream or cake — more sugar and more starch.


The body is being continually flooded with sugar-type foods, the net effect of which is to bring about a rapid elevation of blood sugar which requires a response from the pancreas to pump out sufficient insulin to bring the level back to normal. Without exercise, the increase in insulin production may cause an over-correction, leading to low blood sugar. When your blood sugar is low you can feel tired, depressed and hungry.


At this point most people reach for a snack, chocolate or biscuits which introduces sugar and starch into the system starting the pre-diabetic food cycle all over again.


The wrong amount of food
If you eat too much, particularly the high fat, sugar and starch diet you get fat. Obesity is associated with increased insulin resistance in muscles. It reduces the effective function of the mechanism designed to move glucose into muscles.


Lack of essential vitamins and minerals
Adult onset diabetes has been linked with a long line of vitamin and mineral deficiency. The effect of chromium dxefici9ency is well known.


It's a complicated web of interactions which make it all that much harder for the blood glucose system to work properly.


Lack of Physical Activity

Due to lack of physical activity the excess blood sugar has 'nowhere to go'. As the pancreas becomes more and more stressed, its ability to maintain the blood glucose balance becomes reduced. Eventually it becomes dysfunctional. It 'gives up.'


You end up with persistent high blood glucose levels. As you become fatter it becomes more and more difficult to support the mechanism which regulates the absorption of glucose from the blood and its utilization in muscles.


On the other hand, if you exercise with vigor on a regular and systematic basis the mechanism for getting glucose out of the blood and into the muscles is maintained in a healthy state, and you'll maintain an ideal body weight.




Adult onset diabetes starts off with lack of regular, vigorous physical activity. The muscles are the main site for burning off excess blood glucose. If the glucose doesn't get burned off it has to be stored - as fat. Insulin resistance starts to build up in the muscles.



A persistent high starch, high sugar diet places stress on the pancreas to keep blood sugar at an optimal level.



A high fat diet, (usually coupled with a high starch and sugar intake) increases obesity, fueling insulin resistance in the muscles, the main site for burning off excess blood glucose.



Diabetes may be fueled by a vitamin or mineral deficiency, particularly chromium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc, and vitamins C, B3, B6, biotin, B12, E.



If you're a couch potato on a garbohydrate (high fat, starch and sugar diet, and if you're more than 20Kg over your ideal weight the diabetic amber light is flashing even though blood glucose levels appear normal!

The situation is redeemable, providing you get 800 Aerabytes per week and eat from the top of the Hourglass.



Resting blood glucose levels start to rise, approaching 6, 7, or 8 mmol/l. Insulin resistance in muscles is definitely on the increase.


The situation is redeemable, providing you exercise with vigor (800 Aerabytes a week) and eat from the top of the Hourglass.) Insulin resistance in muscles increasing.



Insulin resistance has built up to the point where the pancreas cannot keep up with the demands for insulin. Insulin resistance has increased. Glucose levels in the blood go sky high, reaching 20 - 30 mmol/l.


The situation is less likely to be redeemable. Your pancreas may be permanently stuffed. You're on the tablet for life! You're at risk of all the complications that go with adult onset diabetes.


However, the best thing you can do is to take some of the load off your pancreas by exercising with vigor (800 Aerabytes per week) and eating from the top of the hourglass. With some time, effort and thought you may well be able to minimize your dysfunction and moderate blood sugar levels.



Keeping Track of Blood Glucose Levels

A normal level of blood glucose is between 4 and 7 mmol/litre. It doesn't much matter whether this is fasting or non-fasting. For some people fasting levels appear quite normal, whilst after a meal they may increase dramatically and show up a dysfunction.


Once it gets to 7 the amber light starts flashing. By the time it's got to 10 the red light is flashing.


You will probable be experiencing periods when you are thirstier than normal and frequent urination. You can be certain that the pancreas is struggling and on the verge of giving up. Once that happens the blood glucose level can shoot up to 20 or more with dire consequences for health. You can end up going blind, having circulation problems where you end up having your legs amputated.


When it's all boiled down, blood sugar level going too high is really a case of bad self management.


For starters you need to know what your resting and post prandial blood sugar levels are before they get out of hand. Either measure them yourself, (and this is easy if you have a blood glucose measuring kit) or have them measured at your pathologists on a regular basis. If you're in the at risk group, (over 40, unfit and overweight) having your own kit to measure your blood glucose level is not a bad idea.

On top of that you need to keep yourself in good physical shape. It's easy to do, doesn't cost much, require expensive medical intervention or depend on rocket science.





Develop a high density exercise routine.
Exercise with vigor, continuously for 40 minutes each day. Start shuffling, (jogging or running,) or swimming, get on the stepper or climber, the exercise bike or the rower. Get a good sweat up. Go to Aerobic Fitness (coming soon) to find out what you need to do to exercise with vigor and record what you do.


Your pulse rate should be over 130 for most of the time you are exercising.


Ambling around the block, or walking around your office for ten minutes three times a day won't have much effect.


If you can build up to 800 Aerabytes a week, you'll be well on the way to improving your aerobic fitness, restoring function to key body systems and losing fat.


The vigorous physical activity will burn off the chemicals that over-stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. This will cause muscles to relax and blood vessels to dilate.


Use Aerabytes as a way of measuring the time and intensity of your aerobic workouts. You'll need a copy of our Aerobic Activity Diary to know what we're talking about. You'll need 800 or more Aerabytes a week to keep yourself in good shape.



Meditate on a daily basis to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system.
When you do this muscles relax and blood vessels dilate to the very core of your body. Blood pressure comes down.




The Hourglass Eating Program.
Develop a low density eating routine. Go to Hourglass Diet eating program and find out how to eat in a way that supports good health and ideal weight. Keep focused on the foods at the top of the hourglass. If you eat from the top of the hourglass you'll become thinner.




Eat the right food at the right time.
Jean Niedech, the founder of Weight Watchers said, 'Most people who are overweight don't eat enough; of the right food at the right time.'


Eat a decent diet comprised of low density carbohydrates, ie vegetables and fruit, (particularly those you don't have to cook to eat) and lean protein, especially fish. If you eat this way the fat will look after itself. You'll probably need to have a high fibre supplement to keep things moving on the inside.



Stop eating the wrong food at the wrong time.


Stop eating so much fat. As likely as not you don't realize how much fat you're eating because most of the fat we eat is in combination with starch and sugar. It's not the bit you dribble into the non-stick pan that is adding extra calories to your diet, it's the pizza, biscuits and cake. Fat is the highest density food we eat. It contains 9 calories per gram, compared with carbohydrate and protein with only half the number of calories.

Eating a high fat diet is a sure fire way to end up being fat. And keep in mind that even though you may not each much fat on its own, the amount of fat you eat in combination with starch and sugar may be considerable.


Stop eating so much sugar . All it does is over-stimulate insulin production. Steer clear of soft drinks, licorice, lollies …


Stop eating so much starch. Every time you see the word 'cereal' read 'starch'. Being a polysaccharide all it does is over stimulate insulin production. For all intents and purposes starch is a series of glucose molecules strung together, so that once they get into your body stream they quickly act like raw sugar. Blood glucose is elevated rapidly, stimulating the pancreas to pump out insulin.

For sedentary people, all this leads to is a mad scramble by the pancreas to inject insulin into your system in an effort to get the blood glucose level down. Along the way, blood glucose level drops too far and you become tired, depressed and hungry. The adrenal glands then have to work over time to get blood glucose levels back to normal. (An increase in adrenaline over-stimulates your sympathetic nervous system leading to a stress reaction.) And because of the sedentary nature of most people's lives the glucose eventually gets stored as fat. Far from doing you good, too much of the food you've been told to eat more of is making you fatter.

You may have been told that eating lots of starch is good because of the dietary fibre it contains. Don't bet on it. Bread doesn't contain the huge amounts of fibre that we've been led to believe. 3% or 6% dietary fibre is not high fibre. Try 15% or more and you can start to call 'high fibre' high fibre! The same goes for pasta and rice, both of which contain only small amounts of fibre. (Read the packet).

The great tragedy is that when you thought you were eating a high fibre diet from grains and cereals, all you were eating was refined white flour. Throughout recent history it, along with refined sugar has been responsible for the demise of the world's aboriginal populations. Now it's killing us.

On top of that half a dozen slices of bread each day can add and extra 1000 or more calories to your food intake (and that's before you start laying on the butter and jam). Your fat guts may well be a starch guts.


Stop eating so much fat and starch — pizza, chips, pasta (when it's labeled carbonara ...) dry biscuits, bead and butter (and peanut butter)


Stop eating so much fat and sugar — ice cream, chocolate, fudge
Stop eating so much sugar and starch — most of the popular packaged breakfast cereals (which can contain over 40% raw sugar)


Stop eating so much fat, sugar and starch — biscuits, cake, pastries ...



Eat the right amount of food.
Portion control is an important key to maintaining an ideal weight. For instance half a dozen slices of bread each day can add and extra 1000 calories to your food intake.




Take dietary supplements.
Particularly chromium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc, and vitamins C, B3, B6, biotin, B12, E.




Follow steps 1 - 6, you'll lose fat from your body
If you do what's outlined in items 1- 6 you'll lose weight. For every kilogram you lose, you can expect your blood pressure to drop 1mm Hg.




Stop drinking caffeine.
Caffeine constricts blood vessels and may boost blood pressure between 10 and 20 points. Adult onset diabetes and high blood pressure go hand in hand.




Stop smoking.
Smoking contracts blood vessels, causing blood pressure to go up.




Eat liver-friendly foods
Eat foods which stimulate the liver back into normal function particularly celery, carrot and parsley. Here is my recipe for the thick shake from heaven


Place into your blender a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables — carrot, parsley, celery, cucumber, broccoli, pear, apple, orange …


Add some high fibre supplement (psyllium husk, raw oat bran, lecithin and flaxseed) to get yourself moving quicker on the inside and help lower your cholesterol level.


Add a couple of heaped table spoons of whey protein from dairy or soy sources.


Add water or fresh juice.


If you use these as meals (and I can guarantee that each one is a decent meal when you take into account the amount of fruit and vegetable), you'll soon find yourself losing weight. Your cholesterol level will decline.



Focus on your health
Undertake a course of personal development and counseling to get your mind back focused on your Self and your health.





Miller Health

7 Salvado Place, Stirling (Canberra) ACT 2611 Australia

(02) 6288 7703